Saturday, March 2, 2019

You saved my life. Thank you Rover II

As I start in to my 4th year with well over 25,000 km on Rover II it's time to say thank you to this ingenious little machine for saving my life. We all know we need to exercise, but it is so much easier and effective if it's something you thoroughly enjoy. I do!

Three years back I could not stand to ride my DF more than a few miles without terrible back and knee pains. So much so I simply wouldn't ride it much. I was overweight, diabetic, and suffered from leg cramps, mainly at night. Fortunately I took a tumble off the old DF and after much fretting and searching purchased a Rover. I knew nothing about recumbent trikes and have kept this blog to recount what I have learned.

Over the last year, nothing much new has happened with my Rover II. Maintenance and repairs have been minimal, but the enjoyment I get from spinning those pedals every day, generally for 50 km has stayed constant. The weight and blood sugar is under control, the back and knees are fine, and the leg cramps... simply gone.

I don't think I have much more to contribute to this blog that is relevant to the title bentonabudget. I've pretty much blown the budget part.... according to my wife. But I think the investment was very worthwhile, and has paid me substantial dividends. No regrets

A quick summary of the best additions I have made to the Rover as I went along.

  • SPD pedals and shoes
  • Cygo Hotshot Rear light
  • Mirracycle Mirrors
  • 24" Rear Wheel, Big Ben Tires
  • 3 speed front ring (before E-assist)
  • E-Assist Bafang BBS02B w 13.5ah 48v Battery
My last upgrade was adding a set of front fenders when I found two sets of 26" plastic fenders on the clearance shelf at Walmart. I put the rear pair in the oven @ 300F for 10 minutes and then using a pair of oven mitts bent them over a twenty inch wheel to reshape them to the smaller curve. I then mounted them using RAM one inch ball hardware. Works great on most any direct steer trike (see Rover forum post in TerraTrike forum). I'll post some pictures later.

So that is it. Bentonabudget probably will not have any new posts. I'll leave this blogspot up in case some momentous thing comes up, but more reasonably as a reference should someone care to look. So far this blog has been visited 5578 times. To all you who looked hope you found it worth it.

I am keeping Rover II and expect to ride it for many more years. It goes as fast and as far as I want, but I have a new project in mind... a velomobile.... of some sort. I don't need or want to go any faster, but I do need a way to be comfortable in those sub-zero Canadian winters. Florida has provided that option so far, but may not be a future option. My Windwrap faring does a decent job to just below freezing, but below 10F it simply isn't good enough.... that leaves about 4 months Dec thru March unrideable in my neck of the woods.

So what velomobile? A dedicated one? A kit? A trike conversion? How about a coroplast? Something to look forward to.


  1. Do you have a picture of the Bafang motor on the bike? Trying to figure out where to put the computer and speed accelerator.

  2. look at my 2017 posts. It shows picts of Display on left Steering arm. May need an adapter to provide more room for accessories
